Avowed: Prioritizing Relationships and Narrative Depth Over Romance and Multiplayer

Fred Parson


Avowed: Prioritizing Relationships and Narrative Depth Over Romance and Multiplayer

You won't be able to romance your companions in Avowed because the upcoming RPG's developers wanted to make sure that it got all of the game's relationships right—romantic or not. In an interview with Windows Central, creative director Carrie Patel reiterated, "We don't have romance in Avowed." Even though Obsidian acknowledges that "it's something that many players love," it sounds as though concerns about scope meant that your relationships will remain purely platonic.

Romantic Limitations for the Sake of Depth

In Avowed, the developers aimed to focus intensively on the quality and depth of the relationships between characters rather than spreading their resources too thinly by incorporating romance paths. Creative Director Carrie Patel explains, "We wanted to make sure that, if we were to include it, [we] included an equally meaningful non-romance path. Given how much we were investing in our companions as characters who are really tied to the central story in a way that they haven't been in many of our previous games, we wanted to make sure that if we were going to do romance, we were going to really, really, really do it right--or not at all." This decision allows the game to maintain strong character development and plot integration without diluting its focus.

Investment and Implementation

Obsidian faced a significant decision in terms of resource allocation. Patel mentioned that the team had "considered the investment required" to bring romance into the game as a notable feature. After evaluating the extensive resources that would be needed, the decision was made to "focus on other aspects of our companions." By concentrating their efforts on a more directed scope, Obsidian aims to create a focused, tight narrative experience rather than spreading themselves too thin. This guiding philosophy helps maintain the balance and immersion of the gameplay experience.

Avowed's Lineage and Influences

Many see Avowed as Obsidian's fantasy counterpart to their sci-fi RPG, The Outer Worlds, which itself serves as an answer to Fallout. Obsidian's RPGs are designed to be more compact and intimate than the expansive Bethesda games they offer alternatives to. Avowed follows this tradition, avoiding features that may cause unnecessary bloat and detract from the game's core experience.

Single-Player Focus Over Multiplayer

Patel also discussed Avowed's lack of multiplayer functionality, echoing the same intricate design philosophy. Complementing Baldur's Gate 3 developer Larian for their work, she emphasized, "What's important to us is making sure we have a really solid campaign." While co-op gameplay in RPGs isn't impossible, it requires significant expertise and resources. Obsidian's priority remains "delivering on the things that players come to an Obsidian RPG expecting, which is a well-developed story, meaningful choices and consequences, and the ability to be the agent of change in the world."

The Development Journey of Avowed

It's crucial to note that the development of Avowed has experienced a markedly longer cycle compared to some of Obsidian's past projects. For instance, Fallout: New Vegas was developed in an expedited timeline of 18 months. In contrast, Avowed has taken the studio five years to develop. This extended development period underlines the level of depth and complexity that the team aims to bring to players, focusing on providing a rich narrative and well-crafted character experiences that align with Obsidian's established RPG legacy.

General Information: Obsidian's RPG Philosophy

Obsidian Entertainment has always strongly emphasized storytelling and character development in their RPGs. Their approach usually involves creating richly detailed worlds where player choices carry significant weight. This philosophy has earned them acclaim for titles like Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds. Obsidian aims to maintain the quality and depth that RPG enthusiasts have come to expect from their games by deliberately narrowing the scope of certain features, such as romance and multiplayer.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

Avowed's lack of romance and multiplayer features may initially seem like limitations, but they reflect Obsidian's commitment to delivering a superb single-player experience. By focusing on character development, meaningful choices, and the core campaign, the team seeks to ensure that every relationship in the game, platonic or otherwise, is deeply engaging and integral to the story. The five-year development timeline illustrates the careful consideration and effort being put into creating a compelling RPG experience. As Avowed approaches its release, players can anticipate an Obsidian RPG that remains true to its roots while offering a focused, richly developed world to explore.
